Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

Quote #2

"tidak ada ketulusan tanpa kesalahpahaman"

"there is no easy life, life is always hard."

Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

quote #1

"teman adalah orang yang bisa menghapus kesedihanmu dan tidak memanfaatkanmu untuk kepentingannya"

"hope is a dream, but dream isn't just a hope"

"dream.believe.make it happen"

"start form dream you can reach everything you want"


hi, i'm on senior high school now x)

terlewati sudah masa-masa les, try out, dan sebagainya. perjuangan dapet NEM bagus, lulus UAN, dsb.

now i study at emm gausah disebut yak xoxo :) kelas x-2, absen 14, and i'm the younger student in my class. i'm still 14 years old now, and my friends don't believe that.

honestly, sma itu makin banyak pelajaran, 18 mapel ! what a great! ada kimia fisika biologi semuanya dipisah geografi sosiologi akuntansi ekonomi dll. capek kalo mau uas atau uht. apalagi tugasnya banyak juga, mana tiap hari ulangan. so anak sma pasti manfaatin libur sebaik-baiknya.

dan selama 6 bulan ini yang gue petik adalah, ada dua pilihan pas lo sekolah di sma:
1. jadi anak baik
2. jadi anak nakal

enak sih kalo lo gak mikirin tugas yang dikasih guru atau gak belajar pas ulangan, itu berarti you choose the second way. yang bolos atau telat tiap hari dan manjat genteng atau pager. itu berarti lo bener bener ngelewatin masa sma lo dengan cara yang biasa.

and if you want to choose the first way you must to have more efforts, bcus that's so difficult, banyak godaan tau gak! disaaat lo belajar pada bilang udah gausah belajar dsb. itu godaan apalagi kalo main haha godaan banget. so kehidupan sma itu kalo masih kelas x belom terlalu berubah deh, eh lupa ada yang berubah deng.

yaitu sikap lo ke cowok atau sikap cowok ke elo pasti bakal beda dari smp. baisanya kalo sma tu lebih deket sama cowok and bisa friendly, tapi gue juga gatau sih itu cuma kelas gue aja apa kelas lain kayak gitu juga, tapi kalo dikelas gue kayak ga ada batas cewek cowok, itu ada bad sama good effect nya sih. so kita lanjutin besok yaa :))


"kalo kalian masih ngerasa teman itu bisa dipercaya, kalian naif"

teman, gue dulu percaya temen itu bisa dipercaya, apalagi sahabat, yah pikiran anak smp gitu deh masih labil. tapi ketika lo beranjak sma, menurut gue temen itu gabisa dipercaya. temen yang katanya definisinya kayak gini nih:

1. bisa dipercaya
2. tempat curhat bla bla
3. dsb

menurut gue boong besar deh, sebaik apapun temen lo itu tetep aja dia punya kepentingan, ga mungkin dong mau temenan sama kita ga ada alesan kayak pengen gaul, pinter, atau apadeh. so, menurut gue kalo lo masih percaya sama temen lo 100% itu tu salah, bahkan orangtua gue ngomong kok kalo jangan terlalu percaya sama temen so percaya aja sama mereka 70%. haha cuma saran loh ya :)

Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2011

Korean Addicted

"kpop really spreads everywhere"

i know not just kpop but also kdrama, and you know actually kdrama virus spreads first than kpop. now, i'm really one of korean lovers, i like the kpop and kdrama, so crazy to both of them. although i like kdrama first but i think kpop can be alternative for you that don't like american pop or hollywood. the music makes you happy. the special thing from kpop is the music can make you DANCE !

the first boyband that i know last year from my friend was SHINee, my friend so interested and got crazy about them. their favorite song was ring ding dong and replay. but after that i looked for many boybands.

then i knew girls generation, super junior, and so on. but on april on may this year there was a rookie boyband, named B1A4, i was so interested. and i'm one of BANA, their fan.

then i like SM Entertainment's artist that's f(x) i like them after i watched hot summer, i like the music, so good :). i'm one of aff(x)tion too.

the third is 2NE1 i like them from 2 weeks ago haha, after i listened their song named lonely, that's god for you that brokenhearted :)) their song tells many social problem especially for girls :D so i'm one of blackjack.

"kpop can be alternative for you that don't like american pop"